Just Like The Old Britney...
Posted by timothyc93 | Posted in Britney Spears | Posted on 6:54 PM
I think not. Most people say that they're gald that we have the old Britney back...well unless I'm mistaken she isn't...The "Old Britney" was nothing like she was today. Britney back then was happy doing what she was doing because she truley loved it. The "New Britney" is a totally different woman. Britney today might as well be called "Robo Britney". Today Britney's life is so controlled by her "team". Telling her to "smile this way, laugh this way". Britney almost has no say in her career at all! I hope that when Britney appears in court tomorrow (1/22/10) that she finally raises her voice and says enough is enough. It's time that she and her fans truley connect once again. We get to hear the music Britney really wants to sing. I think that if she was allowed to write her own material...we wouldn't be hearing somthing as simple as "1, 2, 3" I think we would be hearing something much more powerful and beautiful. People say, "why doesn't she dance like she used to, why doesn't she act like she used to". Well because SHE used to run her own life, not a group of people that were concerned with the "Britney Company" rather that Britney herself. So I think that we all should be hoping and praying that Britney gets released from this conservatorship, and finally gets set free.
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